The Next Big Thing Blog Hop ...

I was tagged by TL Bliss who is an aspiring author who loves to travel with her husband and write about a little bit of everything.  She is the author of eight (8) wonderful books ranging from Children/YA, Self-Help, Christian/Inspirational Fiction, and her latest is a Romance.  You will always be able to find something good to read written by TL.


TL Bliss can be found at the following sites:


My 10 questions and answers:

1) What is the working title of your next book?

My next release will be called “Reunited Passion”.

2) Where did the idea come from for the book?

I get my story ideas from dreams and mix it up with some real life events.

3) What genre does your book fall under?

Reunited Passion falls under the category of Romance and touches even on a bit of Erotica.

4) What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

Vincent’s part would be played by Sam Elliott and Michelle’s part could be played by Sarah Jessica Parker or maybe even Jennifer Anniston.   

5) What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Time alone cannot stop the desire to be reunited with the love of your life, especially if you get the chance to be together again. 

6) Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?


7) How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

I will be working on the manuscript for a little while longer, editing and revising. 

8) What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Another hot and steamy romance story where the characters get a second chance to be reunited.. 

9) Who or what inspired you to write this book?

I was inspired to write this book because we all have a bit of romance in us just waiting to be shared.

10) What else about the book might pique the reader's interest?

The visual that you get when you read the story.  What gal wouldn’t like to have a romantic affair with a guy who has a voice like Sam Elliott and get a second chance at love.


These three (3) authors will be carrying this forward on their website or blog…

Joanne Tucker is a long-time resident of Logan, Ohio, JoAnne has worked in the blue-collar industry most of her life.   JoAnne loves writing and has a special interest in historical Southeast Ohio.  In addition, she enjoys oil and acrylic painting, traveling and sewing.  The mother of three and grandmother of seven she believes in family values and following your dreams.  An animal lover, she currently lives with her mix-breed poodles, Jasmine and Scooter.   If you are interested in her paintings They can be viewed on the three photo pages and the paintings prices are listed below with a connection to Paypay . You can find her post here...


Deborah Clark:  After many years working as an Administrative Assistant I became involved with Toastmasters International and eventually presented workshops for district conferences, professional associations, non-profit groups, and adult school/continuing education programs. I am a contributing author for three books that were published in the last two years.  I hope the books will give people real tools to help them be the best that they can be.  You can find her post here… Blogger:  

Twitter: @dclark6581


Sean MacUisdin grew up in the Okanagan Valley; a child of sandy beaches on the lake and deep forested canyons in the surrounding hills. At the age of seventeen he joined the Canadian Navy and has served for nearly twenty-five years. In between he was married, earned a BA in History from the University of Victoria, and is raising a family.

Sean has been most inspired by his travels and time at sea. Days, weeks, and months away, sometimes in some of the most remote parts of the Pacific Northwest in small ships and large was a constant reminder of what life was like in the ships of centuries passed, and what it would be like in space ships of the future.

Sean enjoys his time on Vancouver Island, appreciating the rugged beauty of the seas and forests and the faint shades of the frontier feeling that can still be found in its rocky remote corners.  You can find his post here...


Show your support for the tagged authors and visit their sites.


I am participating in The Next Big Thing blog hop. I don't know if you've heard of it or not.

Basically, there is a list of 10 questions you answer about your next book. Then you tag 5 authors to do the same. You will also mention who tagged you with a brief description of them and those you are tagging. You would be posting this on your website Jan 9th  (My post date is Jan 2nd )

If you are interested please let me know the email address to send the info to.  I think it is a great way of getting exposure!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey, my email address is I'd love to get in on this. I'm working on the 3rd book in my series now.
